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By: Samantha Vierra
Mentor: Natalia Poole

Senior Capstone: Welcome


Cover Letter

Art is a way for me to express my emotions and I think a way to tell how i’m feeling is the subject of my current art. Although I was only in two actual art classes during my 4 years of high school, it still played a roll in my life outside too. I hope to bring it with me as I graduate and with my journey through college. I create art in many ways. Sketching, painting, digital art poetry, and especially film. As of now, I create lots of artwork on paper and especially poetry in English and even submitted a poem to Poetry Nation and made it to the semi-finals! In college and the future, I hope to have a side job of something that has to do with film. In my opinion, I think film is a form of art that is so beautiful and life changing. There’s so many movies and books that have influenced the way I perceive my life today and one of my passions is to do the same for others in a way. In college I’m going to be majoring in criminology, but film is a close second that I might switch to some day. Art has changed a lot for me these past 4 years too by teaching me patience and developed my art skills by a ton! I can’t wait to expand my horizon of art in my future.

Senior Capstone: About
Senior Capstone: Pro Gallery

How has art Influenced me Through Highschool and the Upcoming Years?

Look Here!

Quality Producer

Article #1

Here you can read on why I am a quality producer in my Art Classes (Even English!).

Well-Rounded Individual

Article #2

Here you can read on why I think of myself as an well-rounded individual outside of my school life.

Community Contributor

Article #3

Here you can read on why I plan on being my best version of a community contributor using my art in the future.

Senior Capstone: Price List
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